Email rendezvous entangles state Rep. Phillip Hinkle | The Indianapolis Star |

Email rendezvous entangles state Rep. Phillip Hinkle | The Indianapolis Star |

What?  Another anti-gay Republican caught in a gay sex scandal?  Say it ain’t so!

“In addition to helping pass Indiana’s gay marriage ban, Mr. Hinkle is also the proud co-author of the bill that created a “In God We Trust” license plate. ”

I guess Hinkle was trusting in God that he wouldn’t be found out acting as someone’s short-term “sugadaddy”.

Why, oh why, could Hinkle have not gone to Marcus Bachmann’s camp to pray the gay away?  Why couldn’t he have signed one of those political “vows” to not have extra-marital sex?    Why could this not have been Rick Perry?

Rick Perry Enters the Race (And his Top 5 Anti-Gay bullet points)








Top 5 Examples of Perry’s Anti-Gay Agenda | ThinkProgress.

The other day on the FOX news website, they had an article asking if Rick Perry’s entrance into the presidential campaign was a “game changer”.  My reply, naturally, is that no it doesn’t change the game much at all.  If anything, he’s nothing more than a male version of Michelle Bachmann:  anti-gay/anti-choice/fundamentalist…. the only thing Perry hasn’t done is compare himself to a serial killer yet.

So the good news is that Perry will split the religious zealot vote between himself and Michelle “submission means respect despite that not being the actual definition” Bachmann.    The bad news is, he will never get the GOP nomination.  I say that’s bad news because it would almost certainly guarantee another four years of a Democratic president.

No, there will be no Perry or Bachmann on the ticket, not even in a VP position.  Even the GOP knows they will lose more voters than they will gain by running religious zealots.   While it’s true the country does still consider religion to be an important aspect of a candidate’s viability, there’s a big difference between someone who goes to church every sunday and someone who holds christian-only rallies or has a husband who thinks gays can be “taught” to not be gay (when not comparing them to barbarians).

Smart money remains on Romney and a VP to be determined.  Maybe Jon Huntsman?

Two random thoughts…

Usually when I post a blog it’s to rant about religion, but since this is April Fool’s day I figured I’d step away from that for a moment and talk about some random stuff instead.

For instance, I’m moving and it’s none too fun.  Packing stuff up is a pain in the ass once you’ve moved past the easy stuff.  Sure, books and dvds are easy enough, but then you start getting to the other stuff… like dishes, curios, and fragile things which actually require a bit more effort than just stacking them inside a cardboard box.    That’s not to mention just the mess that occurs while you’re stacking boxes and trying to keep things accessible  (like being able to move around the living room).  On the plus side, we’ve been able to start moving some stuff down to my mother-in-law’s, so we don’t have everything cluttering the apartment at the moment.  We even made a trip to Goodwill yesterday to drop off some clothes and some dishes we no longer need and don’t want to carry with us.

Ok, let’s talk about religion real quick:

There’s been a lot of talk in the past day or so about the Afghan President signing laws that technically allow rape in marriage and that it’s based on Shia law.  Well gosh folks, take a step back and think about it.  All Karzai is doing is using religious beliefs to determine the rules of marriage.  It’s basically his version of “protecting traditional marriage”.  You’d think all the right-wing loons in the United States would be supporting this bill.  All it’s doing is taking the current stance of “traditional marriage” and taking it a step further than being between a man and a woman and going back to the original basis of marriage:  that women are property of men.  Why are people in the U.S. so outraged.  This is what they want isn’t it?  A defense of truly traditional marriage?

Take a good hard look people.  This is what happens when politics knuckles under to fundamentalists.  It doesn’t matter if it’s in Afghanistan or here in the U.S..